Complete the below application to express your interest in joining the Ready Set Coach Community

Post submission, you will be contacted within 72-hours (business days) informing you on the status of your application

Submit Application

* indicates required
If you don't know just yet, put coaching curious.
This is a PRO-collaboration community. *
I am open to collaborating with other coaches.
Ex: learn to grow my business and make new friends!
Ex: social media, SEO, peer feedback, coaching skills
I am excited about joining the RSC Community *

Is there a catch?

Is it really free?

With the launch of the RSC Free Community, we are finally actualizing the impact we have long desired to make on the coaching industry. Coaching has transformed our lives in more ways than one, and we're tired of the "bad rap" the industry has developed in the past few years. We deeply believe that the act of being coached, and the coaching business model, have true merit - and this free community is our way to cultivate a safe PRO-COACH space for us all to learn and grow together.

Now, let's talk about money. Both of us are business owners, so in lieu of charging a membership fee to the community, here is how we envision monetizing - transparently - over the long term.

  1. Sponsorships & Partnerships. As the community grows, we will look to bring on aligned corporate sponsors who can provide genuine value to our members. Our goal will be for these partnerships will never hinder the membership experience, but rather enhance them.

  2. Passive Courses & Products. We are currently working on transforming our signature group coaching program into a passive online course. While those in the community will be able to purchase our products at a discounted rate, they will never be forced to nor will it impact the terms of their membership.

For now, that's it! We're leaving space for this community to co-create the long-term vision for our brand. So we mean it when we say, Ready Set Coach is a FREE community for coaches to connect, learn, and grow, together.

Em & Lex